A running log of deleted tweets (and occasionally other social media), mainly political/governmental
Last updated January 2, 2019
(Note: Trump's deleted tweets are on the Trump Deletions page)
US Strategic Command’s Blood-Thirsty Video Tweet from New Year’s Eve, 2018
Here’s the video that was embedded in the tweet:
After backlash, the tweet was quickly pulled, and STRATCOM tweeted an apology:
Our previous NYE tweet was in poor taste & does not reflect our values. We apologize. We are dedicated to the security of America & allies.
— US Strategic Command (@US_Stratcom) December 31, 2018
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan crows about the windfall for us plebes
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Senator Ted Cruz's likes porn tweet
Cruz liked a porn tweet late on September 11, 2017. Unliked around 2 hours later, by which time it had been repeatedly screencapped. This one is from The Verge. Cruz says the like was from an unnamed male staffer.
Tweeted by White House Director of Social Media Dan Scavino while Hurricane Irma was hitting southern Florida. Miami International Airport corrected him:
He deleted the tweet and apologized. The video was actually of Mexico City Airport in August, as the Miami Herald explained.
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin's wife promotes designers and bemoans her "sacrifice"
On Instagram, Louise Linton - fashion model and wife of Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin (net worth: $300-$400 million) - posted a photo of her glamorous self and Mnuchin getting off a government plane, hashtagging three high-end fashion designers in the process. When another Instagrammer thought that it had been a personal trip on taxpayer money, Linton went off. Within hours, she deleted this post and made her entire account private. She never did respond to her ethically-challenged promotion of Hermes (scarf: $300-$2,000), Tom Ford (sunglasses: approximately $400), and Valentino (Rockstud pumps: $845). Noticed and archived by Yashar Ali. HuffPost NYTimes
P.S.: Linton's snarky reply highly implies that this was an official government trip ("Did you think this was a personal trip?! Adorable!"), yet a Treasury Department official told the New York Times that the Mnuchins have reimbursed the government for the trip.
Department of Commerce promotes Trump propagandists
Flagged by Matt Corley. Archived here
Dinesh D'Souza flogging his book in the White House
Deleted tweets captured by Christina Wilkie of the Center for Public Integrity. Regarding their deletion, USA Today reporter Caleb Ecarma tweeted:
I just asked D'Souza about this at GWU, he says he deleted the tweet because it "had notes showing the inner workings of the White House" https://t.co/hYIXrTF6MI
— Caleb Ecarma (@calebecarma) August 4, 2017
Anthony Scaramucci's tweets about Trump, Hillary, and more
Scaramucci's deleted tweets, which keep increasing in number, have been moved to their own page here.
State Department de-congratulates Iranian director
From Reuters: "The U.S. State Department on Monday [Feb 27, 2017] issued and then deleted a congratulatory message for an Oscar win by a prominent Iranian director who criticized President Donald Trump's travel ban as 'inhumane.' The State Department's official Persian-language Twitter account, @USAdarFarsi, tweeted congratulations to the Iranian people and Asghar Farhadi, director of "The Salesman," after the movie won an Oscar for best foreign-language film on Sunday, according to screenshots of the message circulated on Twitter." Article. Tweet via VOA reporter Steve Herman.
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Trump Counselor Kellyanne Conway's love note to a white nationalist
Although Conway's Twitter account retweeted and replied to this self-proclaimed white nationalist, she claims she doesn't know who did it or who had access to her account. Screen captures by Mike Hayes of Buzzfeed. Article
National Park Service inauguration retweets
On January 20, 2017, right after Trump's inauguration, the US National Park Service retweeted two tweets critical of Trump. They were quickly deleted, and the NPS tweeted an apology. Screenshot by Binyamin Appelbaum. Article
From National Security Advisor Michael Flynn
Posted November 2, 2016. Deleted around December 14, 2016, after Flynn had been named NatSec Advisor by Trump. This is the article Flynn linked to. [Internet Archive mirror] [Article]
From the Defense Department
Tweeted on December 7, 2016, and deleted by mid-day December 8. Article
Retweet by Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump's National Security Adviser, former head of Defense Intelligence Agency
Tweeted and deleted on July 24, 2016. Article
The Memory Hole 2 is a one-person operation. Please donate so that I can keep going.
From Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller. Article
From the British Army. Article
From the US Navy. Article
From Donald Trump, Jr. Deleted October 13, 2016. Tweeted by Alec Ross
From the New York City Police Dept (NYPD), Housing Bureau, Police Service Area 7
Original link \ Archived version \ Related article
Note: The Memory Hole 2 has erased the arrestee's personal info, including his home address, which the NYPD included in its photo
From Donald Trump. Article
From WikiLeaks
From Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. Article
From the Defense Intelligence Agency. Article
From the United Nations Human Rights Office. Article
From Pastor Mark Burns, a Trump surrogate. Article
From the Department of Justice. Article
From Donald Trump. Article