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Audio of NORAD & US Northern Command on 9/11

NORAD and the US Northern Command are tasked primarily with monitoring and defending the US and Canada. We have over 140 hours of their radio communications from 9/11, for streaming or download.

Deleted Audio Files of Gitmo Tribunal Proceedings

Deleted Audio Files of Gitmo Tribunal Proceedings

Unbelievably, the Pentagon once posted complete audio recordings of the Combatant Status Review Tribunal proceedings of 14 "high-value detainees" at Guantanamo. Those recordings were pulled down in 2009. We have them inside....

All Available NY Fire Dept Dispatch Tapes From 9/11

The Fire Department of New York's radio dispatches from the morning and early afternoon of 9/11. For more than three years, they fought in court to keep these recordings secret but were finally forced to release them in August 2005. For the first time anywhere, we made the contents of all 21 audio CDs available online.