NASA Counterintelligence Newsletter, 25 issues (2008-2017) [PDF / 12 megs]

>>> At the beginning of 2008, NASA's Counterintelligence Program started a newsletter for the agency's employees to raise awareness of information security in general and the threats from spies and terrorists specifically.

In January 2017 some colleagues and I made a Freedom of Information Act request for all issues of the newsletter, which was originally called "All Eyes on NASA" but soon became "NASA Counterintelligence."

With lightning speed, NASA released 25 issues of the newsletter. They claim that this is all they were able to locate. Numerous issues are missing between January 2008 and January 2017, including all of 2010. I will be filing an appeal.

Because at least three of us requested these newsletters, NASA has posted them to their FOIA reading room (they're available at the bottom of the page as 25 separate PDFs). I've combined them into one file at the link above.

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