PDF: Investigations by the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education: 2013 - April 2017

>>> Within the Department of Education, the Office for Civil Rights investigates educational institutions for discrimination based on gender, disability, age, race, and national origin. This discrimination can involve many issues, including admissions, grading, financial assistance, hiring/firing, housing, sports participation, harassment, and assault and rape.

Attorney Sara Dudley filed a Freedom of Information Act request for a list of all college/university investigations the OCR has undertaken since the beginning of 2013. The resulting list of 850+ investigations includes universities large and small, public and private, across the country. It's a great source for further reporting and FOIA requests. (You can search for the resolution letters and agreements for most - but not all - closed cases here, and further documents can be FOIAed.)

The list is posted as a PDF above and as page images below. Following the list are two keys explaining the codes that indicate the type of investigation and type of resolution. 

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Note: Sara asked for a list of all closed and open investigations, and the Education Department FOIA office's response indicates that the list contains both types. But on the list, every investigation has a resolution code, which of course means that it's been resolved/closed. And all investigations except two have a resolved date, again indicating completion. Sara has written to the FOIA liaison for clarification, and I'll post their response when it comes.

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