
>>> K.T. McFarland held positions under three Republican Presidents, including being a member of the National Security Council during the Kissinger era, then became a prominent Fox News personality specializing in national security matters.

As soon as Trump picked her as his Deputy National Security Advisor, she deleted her Twitter account, Facebook account, and website. [Article]

Over 500 of her tweets had been archived in scattershot fashion, and I've pulled out some of the most interesting, focusing on those that reveal her thoughts on matters like Iran, Islam, Syria, NSA spying, etc. They're below as clickable thumbnails.

And then there's this:

This is one of the Twitter accounts that McFarland followed. To repeat: McFarland was following this person. (Some of the tweets captured by the Internet Archive come from non-English-language versions of Twitter. This is from the Swedish version. The text at the top reads: "KT McFarland followed waltermoore 5 and...") The full list of people McFarland followed is not archived, but this happened to show up on one of the snapshots of her timeline

Finally, here's McFarland's bio from her suddenly vanished website: