Update: On September 23, 2016 (a Friday, of course), the FBI quietly posted a third document relating to its Clinton-email investigation: 189 pages containing summaries of 34 interviews with involved parties, including Colin Powell (page 188), Cheryl Mills (99 and 104), Huma Abedin (84), Sidney Blumenthal (130), Jake Sullivan (48), Michael Morell (178), and State Department Inspector General Steve Linick (62).

Summaries of 34 FBI interviews regarding Clinton email [PDF]

Update: Page 11 of the investigation summary references an email from former Secretary of State Colin Powell in which he tells Clinton how he "got around" FOIA and other laws and regulations involving federal records. On September 8, 2016, Representative Elijah Cummings released that email in full. It was accompanied by this article detailing futile efforts of the State Department to get Powell's emails, some of which contained classified material.

Powell's "I got around it" email exchange with Clinton

>>> On September 2, 2016, the FBI released two documents (formerly classified Secret and Top Secret) about its investigation into Hillary Clinton's handing of email while Secretary of State.

Overview/summary of the investigation [PDF]

Summary of FBI interview with Hillary Clinton [PDF]

Also as one searchable file at the Internet Archive here [via Michael Best]

Here's the FBI's press release:

Washington, D.C
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691

September 2, 2016

FBI Releases Documents in Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation

Today the FBI is releasing a summary of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s July 2, 2016 interview with the FBI concerning allegations that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on a personal e-mail server she used during her tenure. We also are releasing a factual summary of the FBI’s investigation into this matter. We are making these materials available to the public in the interest of transparency and in response to numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Appropriate redactions have been made for classified information or other material exempt from disclosure under FOIA. Additional information related to this investigation that the FBI releases in the future will be placed on The Vault, the FBI’s electronic FOIA library.

View documents on The Vault

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