>>> US Customs and Border Protection—which encompasses Border Patrol and runs border-crossing checkpoints—is required by Congress to prepare an Annual Report on Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault by CBP Employees. As the title implies, and as the law requires, it's a yearly report. 

This is a fairly new requirement for this Homeland Security agency, and last year's report was the first. It came out on June 28, 2016, and covered the prior fiscal year (2015). 

Now, you would think that this year's annual report would be released around the same time - late June 2017. But I recently noticed that I couldn't find it. So I filed a Freedom of Information Act request for it on September 13. Based on the multiple changes to the internal tracking number of my request, it got batted back and forth between two offices within CBP for almost two months. Finally, the main FOIA office stepped in. On November 6, they told me that it doesn't exist yet. Specifically: "To date, the report you are referencing has not yet been completed."

It's now four and a half months overdue, and 2017 is rapidly coming to a close. In fact, because fiscal year 2017 is already over, it's actually time for CBP to start working on its third annual report.

The Memory Hole 2 is just me against a mountain of secrecy. 
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When and if CBP releases its 2017 report (covering FY 2016), I'll update this post. Meanwhile, last year's report is on CBP's site here, and I've mirrored it here.

The FOIA response letter:

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